

Due to Government advice regarding COVID-19, we’re hosting our events remotely for the safety of all our staff, venue staff and community members. You can read more about our policy for COVID-19 here.

Tonight’s event is remote via Zoom:


Password: TNJune2020

We’ll also be following along live on the #tech-nottingham-monthly channel on Slack for general event chat and Q&A.

You can join from your computer, phone or tablet - all you need is an internet connection. As we’re using both Zoom and Slack, and we’ll be running interactive activities, a computer or tablet would work better.

You can sign up to Slack right now at

How To Join The Tech Nottingham Slack Group

0 to 100 Real Quick - Making your First Days Count

by Nathaniel Okenwa

Hooray! You’ve landed your new tech job, or you've got that promotion but what comes next? The first few months can be daunting and it is easy to feel like you don’t belong. In this talk, we look at some useful strategies to help you navigate your first 100 days.

Nathaniel Okenwa

Nathaniel Okenwa

About Nathaniel

Nathaniel is a Developer Evangelist at Twilio working to create magical moments for developers with their products. He is a die hard fan of JavaScript, sports, superheroes and mixed martial arts. His life goals are to have Batman's brains, Deadpool's humour, T'Challa's fashion sense, Killmonger's Wokeness, and Thanos' determination!

He serves the Javascript community in the UK and the rest of Europe.

Diversity vs. Inclusion in the Tech Industry

by Dwayne Codling

The talk will focus on the generational wealth gap and how this facilitates a difference in circumstances between different races.

Dwayne will be looking at the current tech scene in Nottingham; highlighting why the status quo is detrimental to the future of the industry, and why this has to change.

How can we do better?

What are the steps needed by tech business owners and employees to address this, and get everyone buying into resolving this problem?

Dwayne Codling

Dwayne Codling

About Dwayne

Dwayne is a front-end developer at JH. He’s a former lecturer and enjoys helping people out and seeing them progress to their full potential. Dwayne’s a family man and believes that life is all about balance, and that family is the most important thing. He is always learning - learning is part of the journey, and Dwayne is always seeking to find new answers.

Win Stuff at Tech Nottingham!

This month, we’re giving away a copy of Natives: Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire by Akala. Find out how to win on the night.


Join in with the Nottingham Tech Community online

The Tech Nottingham Slack group is a bustling chat community of Nottingham tech folk sharing ideas, jokes, stories and helping one another. We'd love for you to join in and be a part of it!

Join our Slack group
